Pakistan Weather Updates is a pakweather forecasting
organization .
organization .
we give updates and posts related to weather phenomenon
across Pakistan and some major weather events across the
PWU is the 3rd largest private weather forecasting source
PWU’s aim is to make the Pakistani public fully aware of the
effects of climate change. We all know that Pakistan is
trapped in Terrorism” and 99% public believe that Pakistan’s
life is at state due to it and many pages,websites, blogs and
media only highlight or give importance to those events but
in reality Pakistan faces more deadly threat from climate
change than from the Taliban, India or America.
We know that every period on Earth ends with a mega
disaster be it the Permian or the Jurassic period. We will
witness many weather disasters like 2004 tsunami, 2011
tsunami etc before the world will come to end, so you can
see that it will not be wars that will end human kind but
natural disaster would. We will do are utmost to give the
people a reliable and accurate weather forecast so they can
be fully aware of the weather ahead of them. So follow
Pakistan Weather Updates (PWU) and stay connected with
the world of weather.